Monday, December 10, 2007

I've got good?

What a night. The perfect example of why odds are just numbers, and it's the actual cards that decide the winners.

Unfortunately, due to extreme stupidity on my part, the transcript of details on the hands this night have been lost forever. All is not lost however. The team will try to reconstruct what happened on this very special of nights.

Lots of big cards dealt preflop.
Lots of beats.
No, Aces are no good tonight.

Resident LAG raises preflop. The chief TAG reraises in the BB and LAG obliges by calling after it's folded to him. LAG has position as the hand flops. Everyone oohs as the flop reveals to be QQQ. TAG checks and LAG bets out. TAG proceeds to check-raise all in. LAG is covered, and instant calls. TAG senses he's beat and turns over his Aces. LAG then turns over his Queen the nuts, accompanied by an Ace kicker to wipe the remaining sliver of hope from the TAG.

Tricky bastard(TB) wakes up with Aces preflop and raises. Two seats down, he gets reraised by generic tight player(GTP). TB smoothcalls and blanches as a King hits the flop. Betting out gets a reraise from GTP. All in, TB turns over his Aces. GTP turns over his Kings to confirm TB's fears. Turn and River are no help, and GTP takes the pot down.

Maniac catches KK and limps to find LAG with AA. Raise, re-raise and all-in take their course and once again, Aces find themselves against Kings. A deal is struck to run the board twice, and this time, the aces hold spectacularly. An ace on the first flop sets the standard, and another ace falls on the second board to seal Maniac's fate. LAG doubles up and stacks his chips with glee.

Revenge is sweet though. Not an hour through, and Maniac calls a raise from UTG with K5s. A reraise from LAG kicks everyone else out. Thirsty for blood, Maniac calls the raise. Flop gives Maniac 2 pair and the stage is set. Maniac check raises all in and gets a call. TPTK is no good and Maniac doubles up through LAG.

In a limped pot, 6 players glance at a 2 K 4 flop with 2 spades. Tricky bastard leads out for 5 and is called by Generic Tight Player and New Aggro. Turn is the most beautiful card in a deck, the Ace of Spades. TB leads out again for 10. GTP seems to reluctantly call, but does so anyway. NA thinks a while and raises 15 more for a total of 25. TB seems to be doing some computation in his head and after a long time reraises 15 more. NA glances at TB and reraises allin, TB instacalls and NA looks visibly worried. TB turns over KT of spades for the 2nd nuts and NA has a wheel draw and is drawing dead.

Funky-Loose-Tight-Aggresive(FLTA) gets a play with Maniac in the last few hands of the night, pitting his straight/flush draw against top pair. FLTA agrees to run it thrice after his all in call on the flop. The first two runs see Maniac's hand holding up, but hope springs eternal as the final turn gives FLTA his straight.

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